Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello lovelies!

Hello lovelies! 

I'm quite the character as some as you may know - an old soul who's passionate and feisty. 

I welcome you to my Castle of hope...

... my name, Nayrobi Castillo, means just that.  Life in castles wasn't as glamorous as we think it was - so much was always going on.  This blog is all about life in my castle.  Despite the coldness and dimness associated with life in a castle during the Medieval Times, there's so much hope in mine.  Well, we are in 2011 right.  There's light brought in from the wonderful things one sees as we mature and become wiser. 

I'm a daughter to a preschool teacher, Evelin; a sister to two younger brothers, Jose & Luis; and a mommy to Karizma & Kayden. 

I was in the Army National Guard; a law assistant to an attorney and judge; and now am a stay at home mother.

Why blog?  I'm kind of late to the party actually!  Who doesn't blog these days?  I decided to join the party to share the light I have seen in life: all of the birthday parties planned for my lil ones; the trips taken where new things have been experienced; and so, so, so much more. 

I hope you all enjoy reading it all as much as I will enjoy sharing it. 
